A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Take the role of Santa delivering gifts in this small cosy game. Make sure all the houses get their presents, but beware of crows trying to steal from your bag... Or don't! Who said crows don't deserve a gift?

Available in English, Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

In-game controls:

  • Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to move the sleigh.
  • Use Space / Enter / X / Z to drop a present.
  • Use ← and → on the starting screen to select language.


Windows (ZIP archive) 4.5 MB
Linux (x86_64, AppImage) 5.9 MB
.love file (for running using Löve engine) 918 kB

Install instructions


Download the .zip file, extract all files, then run last-minutes-before-christmas.exe

The game has been tested on Windows 10 and 11. Theoretically it should work on 32-bit Windows 7, but it hasn't been tested.

NOTE: do not run the file from inside the archive. It will not run if you don't extract all the other files.

Linux on x86_64

Download the AppImage file, make it executable, then run it.

Depending on your desktop environment, this can be done by changing the properties of the file and double-clicking it.

If you use the console, you can do it like this (assuming you are in the folder where you’ve downloaded the file):

chmod +x last-minutes-before-christmas-x86_64.AppImage

Other systems

Download the .love file and install Löve engine (from https://love2d.org/ or from your distributives' repository), and use Löve to run the .love file.

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